Time Management : How do Top Managers Spend Most of their Time?

Managers are usually burdened with a plethora of different tasks. With only a limited amount of hours in a day, managers who have good time management skills tend to end up working smarter, not harder.

Below are some time management tips that will enable you to get things done in the least possible amount of time. By planning and organising your day, you can set out to effectively accomplish as many tasks as possible.

time management tips

1. Plan ahead of time

Proper planning allows managers to put a time limit on certain tasks and set the right goals. By budgeting their time properly, you can ensure that you focus on what’s most important.

Procrastination is also minimised with planning as it makes it easier to evaluable how you spent your time. It’s a good idea to audit your schedule to find patterns or areas that may need improvement.

2. Do the most important tasks first

Prioritising your tasks daily is an important habit. By tackling the most difficult tasks first allows you to focus on that task during your more productive state.

3. Eat the frog

“Eating the frog” means the first task should be the one you least want to do. If you complete that difficult task as soon as you arrive at your desk, it will make the rest of the day easier.

4. Block out distractions

In this day and age, blocking out distractions has never been harder. Start by putting your phone away and resisting the urge to check social media.

You could even try hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign by your desk or wearing headphones to signal that you’re trying to focus on deep work. 

5. Take a break between tasks

It’s a good idea to take short breaks regularly through the workday. Going for a walk or pausing to get hydrated are great ways to stop you from burning out and making you more productive during the workday. 

Additionally, think about trying the Pomodoro technique - this involves dividing your workday into 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks in between.

By taking into account these time management tips, managers can start to properly prioritise, organise, delegate, and plan. Mastering these skills takes a lot of work, but will generate an impactful result across your team and eventually the rest of the organisation.


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